Applicant and Candidate Privacy Policy / Notice of Collection

This policy explains:

  • What information we collect during our application and recruitment process and why we collect it;
  • How we use that information; and
  • How to access and update that information.

Your use of Applied Development services is governed by any applicable terms and our general Privacy Policy.

Types Of Information We Collect

This policy covers the information you share with us and/or which may be acquired or produced by Applied Development, LLC, (Applied Development) during the application or recruitment process including:

  • Your name, address, email address, telephone number, and other contact information;
  • Your resume or CV, cover letter, previous and/or relevant work experience or other experience, education, transcripts, or other information you provide to us in support of an application and/or the application and recruitment process;
  • Information from interviews and phone-screenings you may have, if any;
  • Details of the type of employment you are or may be looking for, current and/or desired salary, and other terms relating to compensation and benefits packages, willingness to relocate, or other job preferences;
  • Details of how you heard about the position you are applying for;
  • Any sensitive and/or demographic information processed during the application or recruitment process such as gender, information about your citizenship and/or nationality, medical or health information, and/or your racial or ethnic origin;
  • Reference information and/or information received from background checks (where applicable), including information provided by third parties;
  • Information relating to any previous applications you may have made to Applied Development and/or any previous employment history with Applied Development;
  • Your information from publicly available sources, including online, that we believe is relevant to your application or a potential future application (e.g. your LinkedIn profile); and/or
  • Information related to any assessment you may take as part of the interview screening process.

How We Use Information We Collect

Your information will be used by Applied Development for the purposes of carrying out its application and recruitment process which includes:

  • Assessing your skills, qualifications, and interests against our career opportunities;
  • Verifying your information and carrying out reference checks and/or conducting background checks (where applicable) if you are offered a job;
  • Communications with you about the recruitment process and/or your application(s), including, in appropriate cases, informing you of other potential career opportunities at Applied Development;
  • Creating and/or submitting reports as required under any local laws and/or regulations, where applicable;
  • Where requested by you, assisting you with obtaining an immigration visa or work permit where required;
  • Making improvements to Applied Development’s application and/or recruitment process including improving diversity in recruitment practices;
  • Complying with applicable laws, regulations, legal processes, or enforceable governmental requests; and/or
  • Proactively conducting research about your educational and professional background and skills and contacting you if we think you would be suitable for a role with us.
  • As part of our commitment to equal opportunity employment, we may process information regarding your membership in various organizations to support our diversity and inclusion efforts. This may include associating participant membership with sensitive and/or demographic information.
  • We will also use your information to protect the rights and property of our users, applicants, candidates, employees, or the public as required or permitted by law.
  • If you are offered and accept employment with Applied Development, the information collected during the application and recruitment process will become part of your employment record.

Our Retention of Your Information

  • If you apply for a job at Applied Development and your application is unsuccessful (or you withdraw from the process or decline our offer), Applied Development will retain your information for a period after your application.
  • We retain this information for various reasons, including in case we face a legal challenge in respect of a recruitment decision, to consider you for other current or future jobs at Applied Development and to help us better understand, analyze, and improve our recruitment processes.
  • If you do not want us to retain your information for consideration for other roles, or want us to update it, please contact us using our contact form. Please note, however, that we may retain some information if required by law or as necessary to protect ourselves from legal claims.

Your Rights in Respect Of Your Information

In certain states and/or countries, you may have certain rights under data protection law. This may include the right to request access or to update or review your information, request that it be deleted or anonymized, or object to or restrict Applied Development from using it for certain purposes.

If you wish to exercise a right of access, please contact us:

In writing: By sending an email via our contact form. We will respond to any requests in accordance with applicable law, and so there may be circumstances where we are not able to comply with your request.

Changes To This Policy

We may change this policy from time to time. We will post any changes to this policy on this page.

U.S. State Law Requirements for California Residents
Some U.S. state privacy laws, such as the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), require specific disclosures for state residents.

This policy is designed to help you understand how Applied Development handles your information. In the sections above, we explain:

  1. The categories of information Applied Development collects and the sources of that information;
  2. How Applied Development uses information;
  3. When Applied Development may disclose information; and
  4. How Applied Development retains information. Applied Development does not sell your personal information. Applied Development also does not “share” your personal information as that term is defined in the CCPA.

State laws like the CCPA also provide the right to request information about how Applied Development collects, uses, and discloses your information. And they may give you the right to access and correct your information, and to request that Applied Development delete that information. Finally, the CCPA provides the right to not be discriminated against for exercising these privacy rights.

If you have questions or concerns related to your rights under CCPA, or would like to exercise your rights, you (or your authorized agent) can contact Applied Development using our contact form. We will validate your request by verifying your interactions with Applied Development, and may require that you provide us with additional information, such as any names, phone numbers, or email addresses you have used when communicating with us.

The CCPA also requires a description of data practices using specific categories. Categories of information included in this policy are identified below.

Categories of Information We Collect

  • Identifiers and similar information, such as your name, phone number, and address; username and password; and unique identifiers tied to the browser, application, or device you’re using.
  • Demographic information, such as your age, gender, and language(s) spoken. If you choose, you may also provide additional information, like your racial or ethnic origin, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade union membership, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
  • Financial information, such as your current and/or desired salary and other terms relating to compensation and benefits packages.
  • Internet, network, and other activity information in connection with your use of Applied Development accounts, systems, and services, such as your search terms; views and interactions with content; and information about the interaction of your apps, browsers, and devices with Applied Development services (like IP address, crash reports, and system activity).
  • Geolocation data, including as determined by IP address, depending in part on your device and account settings.
  • Audio, electronic, visual, and similar information, such as information transmitted in connection with interviews or phone-screenings you may have, if any.
  • Communications data, such as emails that you may send or receive in connection with the application or recruitment process.
  • Health information, if you choose to provide it, in connection with the application or recruitment process, such as data you may provide in connection with an accommodations request.
  • Professional, employment, and education information, such as information you provide in connection with the application and recruitment process, as well as information Applied Development may otherwise collect through reference checks, criminal and financial background checks (where applicable) and information from publicly available sources, including online, that may be relevant.
  • Other information you create or provide, such as the content you create, upload, or otherwise provide in connection with the application and recruitment process.
  • Inferences drawn from the information above.

Business Purposes for Which Information May Be Used or Disclosed Administrative Purposes

Applied Development uses and may disclose information for purposes related to carrying out its application and recruitment process, including for assessing candidates; verifying information and conducting reference checks and criminal and financial background checks (where applicable); communicating with you; responding to requests for assistance with obtaining an immigration visa or work permit (where required); diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging; and other related activities.

Protecting against security threats, abuse, illegal activity, and violations: Applied Development uses and may disclose information to detect, prevent and respond to security incidents, and for protecting against other malicious, deceptive, fraudulent, or illegal activity. For example, to protect our services, Applied Development may receive or disclose information about IP addresses that malicious actors have compromised.

Auditing and measurement: Applied Development uses information for analytics and measurement to understand use of Applied Development accounts, systems, and services.

Maintaining our services: Applied Development uses information to ensure our equipment, accounts systems, and services are working as intended, such as tracking outages or troubleshooting bugs and other issues.

Research and development: Applied Development uses information to improve our application and recruitment process, including improving diversity in recruitment practices.

Use of service providers: Applied Development shares information with service providers to perform services on our behalf, in compliance with this privacy policy and other appropriate confidentiality and security measures. For example, we may rely on service providers to help perform criminal and financial background checks (where applicable).

Legal reasons: Applied Development also uses information to satisfy applicable laws or regulations, and discloses information in response to legal process or enforceable government requests, including to law enforcement.

Parties With Whom Information May Be Disclosed

  • Other people with whom you choose to share your information, such as the content you create, upload, or otherwise provide in connection with the application and recruitment process.
  • Third parties with your consent, for example if you have given us permission to contact your references.
  • Service providers, trusted businesses or persons that process information on Applied Development’s behalf, based on our instructions and in compliance with this privacy policy and any other appropriate confidentiality and security measures.
  • Law enforcement or other third parties, in response to legal process or enforceable government requests, and as necessary to identify, report on and investigate violations of applicable laws and regulations.

Your Privacy Rights Under the CCPA and Proposition 24 of the CPRA

Under the CCPA, employees and applicants have the following rights:

  • Right to Know: You have the right to request that we disclose what personal information we collect, use, and disclose.
  • Right to Delete: You have the right to request the deletion of your personal information, subject to certain exceptions defined in the CCPA.
  • Right to Non-Discrimination: You have the right not to be discriminated against for exercising your CCPA rights.

Under Proposition 24, the CPRA, employees and applicants have the following rights:

  • The right to correct: You have the right to correct inaccurate personal information that we have about you.
  • The right to limit: You have the right to limit the use and disclosure of sensitive personal information collected about you.
  • Requests. To submit data requests, you may do so by:
    In Writing: By sending an email via our contact form.