Signs of an Effective and Qualified ASL Interpreter

To create visual communication access and promote inclusivity, many companies hire ASL interpreters for events or general presentations at workspaces with people who are Deaf or hard of hearing. Ensuring your organization provides qualified and effective interpreters is one step in creating an accessible organization or company. Federal disability rights law, as stated by the […]
Benefits of Real-Time Transcription

Real-time transcription is an essential need for organizations. When you have a live event, whether you broadcast it online or have a live audience, you always want full engagement and attention to the speaker. Without transcription, you may find challenges in achieving your goal. Sometimes, it might be because there is too much distraction, or […]
4 Things to Know About Communication Through Sign Language

Nearly half a million people use American Sign Language (ASL) every day to communicate. This visual language was not created by a committee but evolved naturally, just as other languages do. Communication through sign language is critical for individuals in the Deaf community who may not have other ways to easily communicate. When working with […]
Who Would Need an American Sign Language Interpreter to Facilitate Effective Communication?

Deaf and hard-of-hearing individuals all have their own preferences for the best way to communicate with hearing individuals. While not all people in this community prefer American Sign Language (ASL) over lip-reading or communication access real time translation (CART) services, it is important to keep an ASL interpreter either on staff or on-call. Below are […]
4 Common Functions for ASL Interpreters

An American Sign Language (ASL) interpreter plays an essential role for the Deaf community. ASL interpreters are professionals who facilitate communication for Deaf or hard-of-hearing individuals. These individuals have a complex job that requires them to be fluent in two or more languages. The experts at Applied Development have gathered a list of several common […]
What Does an ASL Interpreter Do?

Most people know that an American Sign Language (ASL) interpreter helps Deaf or hard of hearing people to communicate with hearing individuals. However, this is a very simple way of explaining what ASL interpreters do. Sign language interpreters work hard for people in the Deaf community to reduce barriers they might experience in education, the […]
How a CART Services Provider Can Benefit Your Small Business

Many businesses have never heard of Communication Access Real-Time Translation (CART) services, let alone used them. However, small businesses in particular can greatly benefit from using CART services, especially at events and during onboarding trainings. Below are some important things to know if your small business has never worked with a CART services provider before. […]
What Makes an Effective ASL (American Sign Language) Interpreter?

American Sign Language (ASL) interpreters are vitally important communication resources for people who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing. However, just because a person knows ASL does not mean that they want to interpret or would even be a particularly effective ASL interpreter. ASL is a language all its own rather than a direct translation […]
Deaf Culture Quick Guide

Shared experiences and similar backgrounds create bonds between us that form a culture. In fact, culture is defined by Oxford Languages as “the customs, arts, social institutions, and achievements of a particular nation, people, or other social group.†As a tight-knit social group with a unique language, it makes sense that the Deaf community would […]