Success Stories

Our core value of delight the customers guides our work with federal agencies and private companies alike. Read these success stories to learn how Applied Development’s services have helped ensure communications access, support digital accessibility, and transform communications strategy for clients including the Department of Defense (DOD), the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), and the Department of Housing and Development (HUD).

Applied Development has provided a full suite of Section 508 compliance services for DCPAS since September 2022, beginning with the creation of a first-of-its-kind Section 508 compliance team and expanding to support all 10 lines of business within DCPAS. Applied Development offers subject matter expertise in all aspects of Section 508 compliance requirements for communications materials, including traditional and emerging media, website development and management, technical writing, publication design, and social media. We also provide Section 508 compliance services for DCPAS’s digital content, including review and remediation of all documents housed on the agency’s two websites supporting more than 900,000 DOD civilian employees.

Our accessibility reviews include quarterly testing of all websites and documents to ensure usability for website visitors who use assistive technologies such as screen readers or rely on keyboard navigation. Remediation services include alt tag and data table creation, image editing or replacement, color contrast correction, heading structure revision, and rich text creation. In the first year of the DCPAS contract, Applied Development successfully remediated more than 4,500 pages of website content and documents, in addition to fielding numerous ad hoc requests. With our support, DCPAS became the first agency within DOD to remediate all documents on its websites.

Applied Development also developed and delivered customized Section 508 compliance training for document originators within DCPAS, including creation of supporting materials, resulting in increased understanding of basic principles of accessibility and improved efficiency and productivity. In addition, our future planning efforts for DCPAS identified a significant increase in the volume of Section 508 compliance needs for both internal and external communications.

Applied Development’s past and ongoing performance with DCPAS has far exceeded expectations, going well beyond the fulfillment of contract deliverables and resulting in top Contractor Performance Assessment Reporting System (CPARS) ratings and other anecdotal accolades. As a result of Applied Development’s expertise and commitment to client satisfaction, DCPAS made the decision to exercise option year 1 of the contract.

Applied Development has provided American Sign Language (ASL) interpreting and Communication Access Real-Time Translation (CART) to the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) since 2022. These services ensure USAID employees who are Deaf, DeafBlind, or hard of hearing, as well as those with cognitive, learning, or developmental disabilities, are empowered to effectively communicate with others and have equal opportunities to participate in work-related events and activities. At least 15 full time employee (FTE) interpreters are assigned to the USAID contract each day. All of our interpreters at USAID maintain at least a secret security clearance and regularly participate in mandated security trainings and updates. Applied Development also provides interpreters with top secret security clearance for USAID Temporary Duty Assignments (TDY) all over the world, ranging in duration from 30 days to six months.

We provide interpreting services to USAID on a daily, ad-hoc, and emergency basis for one-on-one meetings, staff meetings, presentations, agency-wide town halls, trainings, interviews, conferences, and special events. In order to ensure we can efficiently and effectively meet contract requirements related to the large number of customers we serve, Applied Development created a pool of extensively trained key personnel who have the expertise to provide the highly specialized interpreting services required by USAID staff. When staffing changes are needed, we quickly assign new personnel with the skills and abilities to meet contract requirements and ensure they are informed about the client’s needs and preferences. We also provide a dedicated Program Manager and Scheduling Coordinator to expertly handle service requests and address customer service needs.

Applied Development has successfully filled all task orders and requests over the course of the contract with USAID, providing the agency with more than 32,000 hours of interpreting services each year. We currently manage a team of approximately 27 sign language interpreters and 10 CART providers to fulfill the daily needs of the contract. We also work closely with USAID’s Contracting Officer’s Representative (COR) to provide innovative solutions that ensure the contract stays within budget. 

Applied Development’s contract with USAID demonstrates our ability to handle large volume accounts and quickly respond to short notice and last-minute requests. We have consistently maintained the strict performance standards and met the quality assessment requirements of the contract. Our team also developed and streamlined staffing plans to meet contract schedules and ensure the availability of dedicated staffing to provide communication access for USAID employees. The contract requires our staff to interact with a diverse set of stakeholders from various backgrounds who represent many different offices and levels of seniority within the agency. In all of our interactions, we maintain the highest level of professionalism, respect, and courtesy.

When Applied Development competitively won the contract with USAID, only 66% of the agency’s interpreter requests were filled. Within 90 days, Applied Development was able to improve the fill rate to 100% and continues to maintain this high standard. Our swift response and capacity to provide a large number of highly qualified interpreters, while expertly coordinating an often-changing schedule, is a testament to our strong operations capacity and innovative leadership. Applied Development has received continual praise from our customers, authorized requestors, and contract officers for the quality of our services, our collaborative approach, and the support provided by our Customer Success Team.


Applied Development has provided comprehensive strategic communications services to DCPAS since 2021. Our work includes all aspects of development and implementation of comprehensive communication strategies to support stakeholder outreach and education for DCPAS’s eight directorates and Front Office. We act as a trusted advisor to DCPAS to ensure internal and external audiences receive critical information at the right time with the most effective messaging.

Prior to working with Applied Development, DCPAS did not have a cohesive and actionable strategic framework or tactical plan for its multi-directorate and front-facing communications activities. Our contract with DCPAS lays the groundwork for an effective and intentional path forward. In particular, our work focuses on creating and implementing comprehensive and impactful strategic communications plans that align DCPAS’s brand and priorities with those of their parent agencies, the Defense Human Resource Activity (DHRA) and the Department of Defense (DOD).

In addition to the strategic plans, Applied Development plans and implements innovative and effective communications campaigns for initiatives such as the Defense Civilian Human Resource Management System (DCHRMS), the Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey (FEVS), the Worldwide Human Resources Training Event (WWHRTE), and credentialing programs managed across directorates. We also provide graphic design services, content creation, and editorial support for DCPAS communications products, including outreach materials, program graphics, website content, and newsletters. In addition, we have supported a variety of visual and multimedia assets such as training videos, logos, conference materials, presentations, and images to optimize message retention and engagement of target audiences on various platforms.

Applied Development also serves as the DCPAS Content Webmaster and expertly supports effective use of DCPAS and DOD Civilian social media platforms, including Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and LinkedIn. Our work includes developing and implementing social media strategy, creating content, conducting data analyses, and providing recommendations to improve engagement with key stakeholders.

Applied Development has been providing communications, marketing, and branding support to TDWP since August 2023. The goal of our work with TDWP is to support the creation of a centralized communications function for the division. The contract also includes development of a streamlined, impactful, and strategic approach to ensure TDWP’s five divisions and Chief Learning Officer (CLO) Front Office can effectively communicate with HUD’s workforce about the training, learning, organizational development, and workforce planning resources they offer.

Applied Development began by drafting a Project Management Plan (PMP) that clearly defined deliverables, timelines, and measures of success. Once the PMP was finalized, we developed an in-depth report analyzing the communications goals, challenges, products, and channels of each of TDWP’s five divisions and the CLO Front Office. The report also included an evaluation of each division’s target audiences, priorities, and communications needs and recommendations tailored to help each division reach their communications goals.

Using insights gleaned from the communications analysis report, Applied Development crafted a comprehensive Strategic Communications Plan outlining innovative tactics to support a “culture of learning” at HUD and inspire key stakeholders to engage with TDWP’s offerings. We also created resources including a Communications Toolkit, checklists, and sample messaging, as well as developed branding and graphic assets such as an organizational logo and templates for presentations, fact sheets, and reports. In addition, we drafted a Brand Style Guide and standard operating procedures to ensure consistent use of the new branding.

Applied Development’s subject matter expertise, recommendations for innovative communications tactics, and graphic design support resulted in the development of an efficient, effective, and impactful internal communications function. This new strategic and cohesive approach ensures that TDWP can meet all of their branding, marketing, and communications goals, including driving engagement and inspiring HUD employees to engage with TDWP’s offerings to support their personal and professional development.