Applied Development Women’s Veteran’s Business Award Finalist

This week, the Women’s Business Enterprise National Council (WBENC) is in Baltimore city for their annual National Conference and Business Fair. The event is a chance for women business owners and entrepreneurs to connect with each other, grow their ventures, and thrive. The three-day event features innovative educational programming, inspiring keynotes, 1:1 MatchMaker sessions, networking […]
Applied Development Recognized by the Baltimore Business Journal

The Baltimore Business Journal ranked Applied Development in their 2018 Book of Lists. In recognition of this accomplishment, the BBJ invited CEO Kimberly Citizen and COO Biffrey Braxton to the 2019 Book of Lists Gala ( Applied Development ranked as #20 on the Baltimore Business Journals List of Largest Veteran-Owned Businesses in Greater Baltimore.
Applied Development Receives Goldman Sachs Awards

This January, Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses recognized Applied Development’s achievements since graduating the program in August 2018. CEO Kimberly Citizen accepted two awards on behalf of the company. They recognized Applied Development as the graduate with the highest revenue growth and highest employee growth within six months of program completion. Applied Development is one […]