Ways to Make Graphic Design More Accessible

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One out of every five Americans has a disability. Many with disabilities can endure a very daunting experience navigating through websites that are not accessible. When people with disabilities find it challenging to navigate through your website, it is not only loss and frustration on their part because they will not be able to access […]

Is Your Website 508 Compliant?

Does your Website meet 508 Compliance

What is the difference between Section 504 and 508? With the advent of the Internet, an amendment (Section 508) was signed into law in 1998, expanding the Rehabilitation Act to include equal access to electronic and information technology. Section 504 was originally the last line of the Rehabilitation Act, but did not have any implementing […]

The Future of Digital Accessibility

Close up of a finger touching a button with icons of a laptop computer and electronic tablet next to the button and the words digital accessibility

Most Organizations aim to comply with Disability laws and often make strides toward accessibility. Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act requires that electronic and information technology is accessible to people with disabilities, including employees within an organization or company.  It is essential, by law and by the need to have your organization accessible to everyone, […]