October is Women-Owned Small Business Month! As a woman-owned small business, Applied Development knows the importance of getting as much information as possible to put yourself in a position to succeed.


Women Owned Business


Network, Network, Network

Never underestimate the power of a strong network, especially when you are first stepping into entrepreneurship. Network wherever you can, however you can. Online networking is more popular than ever right now due to the pandemic, but in-person networking is beginning to open back up again, as well.


While it is good to network with a variety of people in your area, focusing on primarily women business owners ensures that you get perspectives from people who have been where you are. Additionally, they are likely to support your endeavors and help you get your business off the ground. 


Find a Qualified Mentor

Mentorship goes hand-in-hand with networking. Ideally, you should look for a mentor in your niche or something similar that can talk you through the challenges you are likely to face in your chosen industry. 


Additionally, there is no rule saying that you can only have one mentor. As a woman-owned business, you may want to find a mentor that specializes in your niche as well as another female mentor. Different advisors are able to offer different things, so be sure to build a team that works for you.  


Leverage Your Resources

There are tons of resources out there for women-owned businesses. A good place to start is with the Small Business Administration. They can provide grants, funding, advice, and more throughout the lifecycle of your business.


Local resources are also available. If you are located in the Baltimore area, there are numerous resources to look into. One of the best things you can do is get a Women’s Business Entity (WBE) certification through the city. This certification can help you to land government contracts. Additionally, you will be added to the WBE list for people specifically searching for women-owned businesses. 


Below are some links to Maryland and Baltimore-specific groups to look into:


Never Underestimate Yourself

One of the most important rules of owning a business is truly OWNING it. As a woman business owner, you need to be confident about your business model and believe in yourself. Becoming an entrepreneur is no easy feat – but it is a serious accomplishment.


In order to succeed in business, you need to be able to sell your product or service as well as your own confidence. Practice and believe in yourself and your business is likely to be successful. 


At Applied Development, we believe in mentoring other women-owned businesses. CEO, Kimberly Citizen, has worked with many women-business owners, giving them advice that she deeply believes in. If you are just starting out and looking for a mentor, feel free to reach out!

You can give us a call at 410.571.4016 or contact us online for more information.