What Is the Meaning of Reasonable Accommodation in the Workplace

What Is the Meaning of Reasonable Accommodation in the Workplace

Reasonable accommodation in the workplace is the necessary adjustments that an organization or company makes to ensure that people with disabilities have equal access and a comfortable environment to work. Essentially, the adjustment an organization makes to accommodate people with disabilities works not only for their comfort but also for their productivity. 

The adjustments are essential even by federal rights law stipulated by the Americans with Disability Act (ADA). Service providers like Applied Development can help your company understand and implement reasonable accommodation adjustments for people with disabilities in workplaces.  

Assessing Reasonable Accommodation Needs

Your company needs to assess reasonable accommodation needs so that you are relatively prepared to implement them. Conducting a needs assessment can entail directly involving the persons with disabilities so that you can implement accommodations specific to their needs. 

Your company can use a needs assessment form during the hiring process. You should tailor the form to have particular questions that help you understand the accommodation needs you will have to meet if you onboard the persons with disabilities. 

The Americans with Disability Act requires companies with more than 15 employees to provide reasonable accommodation. However, this law also depends on the state and local laws, as some may require reasonable accommodation even with fewer employees.

Types of Reasonable Accommodations

Reasonable accommodation goes beyond the physical; it is not just putting a ramp to make your office accessible. The ADA act requires organizations to provide reasonable accommodation through inclusive recruitment, accessible technology, and so much more. Here are some categories and examples of reasonable accommodation:

Special Office Equipment

People with disabilities may not be able to use standard office equipment for work. Special equipment like big computer screens, voice-to-text software for the blind, and braille-making equipment for documents might be helpful. 

Flexible Work Periods

A flexible work schedule can also provide reasonable accommodation to people with diverse abilities. The physical and mental challenges may not allow for the same commitment to working hours as the rest of your employees. You can work on ways they can still be productive while accommodating their particular needs. 

Communication Support

Communication support for people with diverse abilities entails providing sign language interpretation within the workplace, close captioning at meetings and events, and making material available in large print. You can also use videophones to facilitate communications with the deaf team members.  

Accessible Office

Making physical adjustments to your office can make access easy for people with physical disabilities. These include installing ramps, providing special parking spaces, modifying the restrooms, or creating washrooms specific to people with diverse abilities. You can also have special support personnel in your company to help whenever necessary.   

Applied Development Offers ADA Compliance Services

Applied Development champions the rights of people with diverse abilities, and we strive to help your company do the same regarding accessibility and inclusion. We offer diversability services such as sign language interpretation, CART services, reader services, advocacy, and outreach which aim to help people communicate effectively in various contexts and guarantee that they receive reasonable accommodations.

Call us today at 410.571. 4016. or contact us online for more information about ADA compliance and reasonable accommodations.