According to the Bureau of Labor and Statistics, only about 19% of people with a diversability (diverse ability) were employed in 2019. When you compare this to the rate of employment for people without diversabilities, the contrast is shocking since over 66% of the population without diversabilities are currently employed.

While there are some cases where employment is not possible for people with diversabilties, this population also often faces hiring discrimination, whether implicit or overt. Hiring people with diversabilities can make a big difference not only to them, but to your team as well – here’s why.

1. Larger Hiring Pool

The larger your hiring pool, the more likely you are to find candidates who align with your business’ mission and vision. Additionally, you may find that when you expand your hiring pool, there are more individuals with the specific qualifications that you are looking for in a position.

2. Increased Diversity in the Workplace

Creativity stems from different perspectives. Regardless of what type of work you are looking for, whether it is of a technical nature or more subjective, creativity is an important trait for any employee to have.

People with different backgrounds or who have already overcome challenges in their lives are more likely to be able to come up with creative solutions to issues that can benefit the whole company. They can also inspire others to consider inclusivity and diversity in a way they had not before.

3. Tax Incentives for Employers

Some employers are reluctant to hire people with diversabilities because they believe it will cost them too much money out of pocket to make accommodations. This obstacle can be especially challenging for small businesses or businesses without a lot of funding.

The good news is that there are tax benefits available for companies that hire people in certain target groups, including those with diversabilities. This can make it easier for small businesses to expand their hiring pools and ensure Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliance.

4. Higher Retention Rate

Studies over the years have shown that people with diversabilities are more likely to stay in their jobs that individuals without diversabilities. They are often loyal employees who will work hard for employers that put the effort in to meet their needs and create an inclusive environment.

5. Potential for Government Contracting

If you have been considering jumping into government contracting, hiring individuals with diversabilities, veterans, and people from other diverse groups can help you secure government contracts. Though these are not the only requirements, they are important facets for poising yourself as a contractor.

In fact, Section 503 of the Rehabilitation Act requires some federal contractors and subcontractors to actively hire individuals with diversabilities.

Contact Applied Development to Discuss Diversability Hiring

If your business is looking to branch out and begin taking proactive steps to hire individuals with diversabilities, Applied Development can help. We have experience recruiting through advocacy and outreach initiatives to the diversability community. Give us a call today at 410.571.4016 or contact us online for more information.