How can Disability Laws Affect your Job Search

How can Disability Laws Affect your Job Search

The majority of people with disabilities find a challenging experience in their search for career progression. Many organizations and companies, albeit aware of the disability laws, are yet to implement them. Consequently, people with disabilities must surf the job market thoroughly to find accessible careers and workspaces. 

The federal law under the Americans with Disability Act (ADA) champions the rights of people with disabilities in all facets of life, including employment. Under the ADA act, people with disabilities deserve employment opportunities just as much as everyone else. 

However, people with disabilities still express concern about the little or lack thereof of employment opportunities. The unemployment rate among people with disabilities is almost twice that of non-disabled people. So, how does the ADA act help with employment rights?

How Does the ADA Act Cater for the Employment Rights of People with Disabilities?

The U.S Equal Employment Opportunity Commission enforces ADA laws which state that it is illegal to discriminate against anyone with a disability regarding employment. If a person with a disability qualifies for a job opportunity, they should get an equal chance to consideration for the job. 

Additionally, the ADA Act also champions accessible accommodations in workplaces. People with physical and mental disabilities may have limitations to practical work if there are no adjustments to accommodate their challenges. Therefore, disability laws direct organizations to make their workplaces accessible by creating physical and electronic adjustments for sufficient productivity. Under the ADA Act, people with disabilities are also subject to fair pay and benefits.

How Can Disability Laws Affect Your Job Search?

Although the ADA Act protects and champions the rights of people with disabilities in employment, there are many limitations in the job market for them. Unlike the non-disabled, people with disabilities have a limited fraction of opportunities in their job search. As a person with a physical or mental disability, you must limit your job search to organizations compliant with ADA laws.

As much as there are opportunities for all, you should look towards an organization that reasonably accommodates your physical or mental challenge. Additionally, you will have to vet the organization to see that there is no discrimination against people with disabilities as per the ADA laws.

Thus, while the ADA laws protect you from discrimination, it does not make your search for employment opportunities any easier. However, you should know that ADA laws are there to protect you, and you can fight for organizations to comply. Equipping yourself with sufficient knowledge of ADA laws is the first step toward making a change.

Learn More About ADA Laws and Compliance at Applied Development LLC

Applied Development champions the rights of people with diverse abilities, and we strive to help your company do the same regarding accessibility and inclusion. We offer diversability services such as sign language interpretation, CART services, reader services, advocacy, and outreach which aim to help people communicate effectively in various contexts and guarantee that they receive reasonable accommodations.

We ensure you receive and communicate your messages as intended through social media, technical writing, graphic design, and speechwriting. Our strategic communications services ensure clients’ success in expressing who they are and what they do. We work with clients to craft their messages. Our team’s deep communications knowledge and comprehensive consulting expertise serve clients across varied industries.

Call us at 410.571.4016 or contact us online to learn how we can help your organization with ADA compliance.